Are you ready?

What do you want to move towards? How would you like to move? Can you arm yourself with enough patience and find the strength to complete your goals this year?

Get ready for new adventures, embrace life with all that it has to offer, let fear knock on somebody else’s door. Set a meeting with yourself and commit to your dreams. If not now, then when? If not you, then whom?

It doesn’t matter if the last year didn’t bring you any trophies even if the struggle was real. Remember that it was you who picked yourself up from the ground every time you fell. Remember the satisfaction it gave you when you didn’t ask for help and accomplished something with your own determination and strength. Stop beating yourself up over your failures. You are better than you give yourself credit for.

Believe in yourself again and step on this new path with confidence. It doesn’t matter if you still have things to cross off from last year’s to-do list or those goals you’d promised yourself you’ll accomplish by the end of your 20s, 30s, or in this lifetime. It’s OK not to win all the battles; life is not about having a constant war against yourself.

It’s ok not to be up on the podium with a gold medal around your neck. So what if they laughed because you wanted more and tried to pierce the clouds with your eyes and look for the sun on a stormy day? Hold on to hope, mend your wounds and start again. The simple fact that you didn’t stop is in itself a victory.

Find the reason, the source, the engine that keeps pushing you forward. Fuel your dreams, even if it means setting the moon on fire. Maybe there’s more Heaven above us, than Hell below, more beauty than ugliness. Every step you’re taking, even if limping, it’s taking you closer to where you have to be. You are not the sum of your amazing adventures or of your misfortunes and grievance. Those are experiences and you are above them.

When lost, retrace your steps, find your origins, find your way back home to those dreams you used to hold dearly in your heart. Go back to innocence, to purity. The whole world is upside down now, but what does the world have to do with reaching for the stars? Your dreams belong to you. Let the world be against you. It doesn’t matter because with your soul set ablaze, the flames that encircle you will melt away any obstacle.

Be brave. Be bold. Believe. Let the world be engulfed by your spark, by the magic of being you. Let them shiver, let them step aside from your way, not you! Don’t hide behind your fears, don’t hide from their eyes!

Your life belongs to you. Make each day count. Start again any time you want, in any way you want. And at the end of the road meet yourself and be proud of who you are.

2 Comments Add yours

  1. binuhadarana says:

    Nice blog. Very Inspirational!

    Liked by 1 person

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